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Cello High Level C

Common Queries & Pitfalls

  1. Returning Stack Objects
  2. Retuning Inside a Try Block
  3. Garbage Collecting Objects Early
  4. Modifying Collections during Iteration
  5. Types Without struct Prefix
  6. Stack Trace using MinGW

Returning Stack Objects

One of the first things most people do when they start using Cello is write a function that looks something like the following:

var add_ints(var i0, var i1) {
  int64_t total = c_int(i0) + c_int(i1);
  return $I(total);

And when they actually try to run this function it segfaults as soon as they try to do anything with the return value.

void print_addition(void) {
  var x = add_ints($I(1), $I(2));
  print("%i", x);

The reason is simple but not obvious. The returned value of the function add_ints is a pointer (all var means is pointer) to some data allocated on the called function's stack frame. As soon as that function ends and returns, the data the returned pointer was actually pointing to is already deallocated, and so doing anything with it usually results in a crash.

There are a couple of ways to achieve the desired result in Cello. If you actually want to assign the value to some stack item allocated by the caller you should make an output parameter and use the assign function. This is the recommended method.

void add_ints(var out, var i0, var i1) {
  int64_t total = c_int(i0) + c_int(i1);
  assign(out, $I(total));

void print_addition(void) {
  var x = $I(0);
  add_ints(x, $I(1), $I(2));
  print("%i", x);

But you could also allocate the return value on the heap to avoid it being deallocated once the call ends. As a word of warning this can be slow if you do it for lots of small objects.

var add_ints(var i0, var i1) {
  int64_t total = c_int(i0) + c_int(i1);
  return new(Int, $I(total));

void print_addition(void) {
  var x = add_ints($I(1), $I(2));
  print("%i", x);

Returning Inside a Try Block

Because of the way exceptions work in Cello (using Macros) it is very important that the catch part of an exception block is always provided, and always evaluated. If this doesn't happen the internal state the manages exceptions gets messed up and will break things nastily.

Instead of...

try {
  return true;
} catch (e in IOError) {
  return false;

only return from outside of the try block.

bool success = true;

try {
} catch (e in IOError) {
  success = false;

return success;

Garbage Collecting Objects Early

The Cello Garbage Collector will collect any objects which it cannot reach. An object is reachable if there are any local variables on the stack pointing to it or if it is pointed to from any other reachable Cello object.

This means objects stored in global variables, or in C structures which are not Cello objects, aren't reachable by the Garbage Collector and so will be deleted almost immediately after construction.

You can stop unreachable objects from being deleted by the Garbage Collector by allocating them with the function new_root. If you do this just remember to manually delete them with del_root once you are done.

Modifying Collections during Iteration

It is very tempting to modify collections while you are iterating over them. For example you might write something like this, to remove all the elements from a table where "hello" is a sub-string of the key.

foreach (k in table) {
  if (mem(k, $S("hello"))) {
    rem(table, k);

But because modifying collections can move around the elements within them this can result in very odd iteration behaviour including skipping over keys and returning some keys multiple times.

If you need to iterate over a collection and modify it you should do so in two steps. First record all the modifications you want to make in some separate object and then apply them.

var keys = new(Array, String);

foreach (k in table) {
  if (mem(k, $S("hello")) {
    push(keys, k);

foreach (k in keys) { rem(table, k); }

Types Without struct Prefix

If you want to register structs with Cello the type name should have the struct prefix. Cello type objects also use the convention of CamelCase naming. Both of these conditions might not always be something you have control over, for example if you are wrapping external libraries. For example there might be a type like this you want to make available from Cello.

typedef struct {
  Mix_Chunk* sample;
} sound;

The solution here is to just wrap this in your own struct declaration. Providing it is the only struct member the pointer types should be fully compatible to cast between and so you can use the two types interchangeably.

struct Sound {
  sound _;

var Sound = Cello(Sound);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  sound* s = new(Sound);
  return 0;

Stack Trace using MinGW

If you're using MinGW on Windows you'll probably get stack traces that look something like this.

!!      Uncaught ValueError
!!               cast expected type Int, got type String
!!      Stack Trace:
!!              [0] ???
!!              [1] ???
!!              [2] ???
!!              [3] ???
!!              [4] ???
!!              [5] ???
!!              [6] ???
!!              [7] ???
!!              [8] BaseThreadInitThunk
!!              [9] RtlUserThreadStart

This is because MinGW executables use the Dwarf debugging format while Cello expects debugging information on Windows to be in the standard .pdb format. You can generate a .pdb file from an executable with debugging information using a great little tool called cv2pdb.

Simply run this on your executable cv2pdb test.exe, it'll generate a corresponding .pdb file and you'll be ready to rock.

!!      Uncaught ValueError
!!               cast expected type Int, got type String
!!      Stack Trace:
!!              [0] src\Thread.c:708 Exception_Error
!!              [1] src\Thread.c:830 exception_throw
!!              [2] src\Type.c:46 cast
!!              [3] src\Map.c:530 Map_Rem
!!              [4] tests\data.c:924 test_map_get
!!              [5] tests\ptest.c:247 pt_run
!!              [6] tests\test.c:20 gc_main
!!              [7] tests\test.c:9 main
!!              [8] BaseThreadInitThunk
!!              [9] RtlUserThreadStart

For more information you can see my blog post on the subject.
